
Madala & Associates suggests South Africa’s BB-BEE and business transformation process is failing the people and the country as a whole

Madala & Associates suggests South Africa’s BB-BEE and business transformation process is failing the people and the country as a whole

Madala & Associates suggests South Africa’s BB-BEE and business transformation process is failing the people and the country as a whole

Johannesburg, 07 Mar 2018
Read time 2min 00sec

Madala & Associates, a majority black female-owned and BB-BEE Level 1 company has spoken out at what they view as “a failing BB-BEE and business transformation process” in South Africa. Founded in 2012, Madala & Associates more recently acquired a 52% shareholding in Rifle-Shot Performance Holdings (RSPH).

CEO of Madala & Associates and recently appointed business development director at RSPH, Dilley Naidoo said his organisation was alarmed at the dismal process of transformation in the country and conducted an in-depth analysis of the overall failings of the process to date.

Results of the survey suggest many so called BB-BEE deals were largely a “marriage of convenience” between existing established businesses and an incoming BEE partner. The majority were short-term transactions based on a deal-by-deal basis; there was lack of synergies, chemistry and common values amongst shareholders and generally deals were based on individual vested interest.

“There was definitely no long-term sustainable business transformation plan to incentivise and benefit all stakeholders, including lower paid employees and those in middle management positions,” said Naidoo.

Madala & Associates own primary objective is one of investing, adding value and creating long-term sustainable businesses that contribute to overall skilled job creation, capacitation, and business education in South Africa.

Naidoo says in order for the country’s BB-BEE and business transformation process to succeed there needs to be a clearly defined strategy to only invest in existing companies who offer niche products and who have a proven track record.

“Partner with organisations whose existing shareholders are committed to both a BB-BEE and business transformation programme, and who embrace joint synergies for SA’s demographic inclusion, for both an apprenticeship and graduate recruitment programme. Madala & Associates has locally designed training programmes that include mentoring, coaching, capacitation and skills development, across all levels from entry level to executives” said Naidoo.

“We believe by encouraging skills development within the business environment, this will ultimately lead to the reduction of unemployment levels, will aid in the much-needed transformation of the South African economy and ensure our participation in the global market”, concluded Naidoo.

Madala & Associates

Madala & Associates was founded in 2012 after conducting in-depth research into the challenges and opportunities in both the private and public sectors in terms of achievements, challenges and sustainability of the South African Government’s BB-BEE Transformation Programme.

A passion for job creation has resulted in the development of specifically designed, relevant programmes with an emphasis on black enterprise development, supplier development and localisation. Madala & Associates has incorporated offerings from who offer over 150 courses applicable to start-up and established businesses and are targeted at entrepreneurs, C level executives, board members and management.

Editorial contacts
Rifle-Shot Performance HoldingsCaroline Carter(+27) 72 267

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