Aims and Objectives

To Inquire, Inform, Educate, Implement and Follow Through.

  1. Inquire about the current culture and situation within the organisation
  2. Inform about the process, skills and tools we have available
  3. Educate about the Total Solutions Program we provide, the long-term possibilities and its effectiveness
  4. Implement the 3 Rs throughout the entire organisation
  5. Follow through with expert service, support and regular surveys

How it works?

  • We have a unique program which requires each member of the organisation from the top down, to get involved for maximum positive effect.
  • Starting with a survey, we can quickly ascertain the strengths and opportunities of improvement within the values system of an organisation. This will give valuable feedback which will assist to maximise the effectiveness of our process and to supply you with a successful strategy for your entire team.
  • It is unique in several ways as this process engages every single person; This is a two-way communication which gives all members of the team a voice, it gives the perfect opportunity for personal development and its methodology creates synergy which enhances more rapid growth of each member within that group.
  • The awareness this process creates of basic values not only develops the individuals in the group but reaches a much wider audience, including the person’s family circle where this will also have a positive influence.
  • This is a 48 week program which can be repeated continuously and because this creates an awareness it acts like a rubber band; Once stretched, it will never return to its original state.
  • Another reason this is a unique program is that the continuous training within the organisation will be done by your very own people who will be trained and certified as facilitators by us as part of our intensive program.
  • This also ensures that new members entering the organisation can become part of this process as soon as they commence employment; They can easily ’slot in’ at any time

Interactive train the facilitator process

This is a simple, sustainable, and unique process which will demonstrate continuous improvement on a weekly basis.

The facilitators will learn the techniques to run the Roundtable process with family, friends, in your community or throughout your organisation.

Our specialists will facilitate Values based training, imperative to the growth of any individual and thus any organization through the Round Table methodology.

  • Train Your Teams
Within your organisation to facilitate the values based leadership program.
  • All individuals who are chosen
To be facilitators will be awarded with certificates and this adds to personal development and training
  • Allow the simple processes
To encourage open and clear communication, understanding of self and others, deeper emotional connection far surpassing historical issues.
  • Self Actualization
That allows each person to connect across culture, religion, tradition, language ability, experience, age and education levels
  • Encourage a holistic impact on family, social and professional lives
Which creates an environment of continuous growth and a need to be solution focused.
  • Use the Latest Trends
In John Maxwell’s philosophies to take your entire teams to the next levels of achievement through self motivation, guidance and becoming people of Influence, living with intention.

Impact of Values Based Leadership


Socio-Economic development

UN SDG Goals achieved

Women empowerment

Men development

Creates more transparency

Alleviate unemployment through entrepreneurship

Creates solid foundations for Leaders


Re-alignment of Ethics and Leadership

Positive culture change

Motivated employees

Increase in bottom line by values driven

(Book -ROC)

Strengthens bond

Builds effective teams

Increases attitude and morale


Re-align curriculum

Blended learning approach

Community based schooling

Learners, Teachers, and parents working together on same content, from school to home environment with a healthy focus.

Decrease bullying

Youth become work ready, communicate more effectively, gain important skills, eg  EQ


Uplift, empower, and provides coping skills

Personal Sustainable Development

Positive effect on family life

Creates wholesome individuals

Reduces addictions

Stronger mindsets

Sustainability of Values Based Leadership

Sustainability is also  assured by the implementation of a High Five System that builds  staff morale, confidence, personal growth,  development and  positive acknowledgement from peers.

Posters strategically placed around the work environment also stimulate life-long learning and sustained understanding of each value.

This allows for the entire group to connect on the same level and feel included in the same processes that are guaranteed to positively change the Culture and Etiquette across the board.

Being inclusive allows for amazing relationship building, buy-in, business transparency within the entire team from the top down in a most powerful way.

Our comprehensive approach involves all levels of an organization to develop an aligned culture. As a Specialist, I train and certify designated employees to become facilitators who will conduct weekly Round Tables which unleash dormant desires, motivations, and attitudes.  This propels your employees to think differently, act differently, and become difference makers. I will also communicate fundamental business concepts and share real-world examples.

We have some excellent materials for reinforcing the character trait your group is focusing on for the week.

These materials include inspirational posters, attitude challenge bracelets, High Five™ promotion posters, Pareto Planner Booklets, break room flyer templates that leave space for your own inner-company promotions, and methods for incorporating character into reviews and disciplinary actions.

A highlight for us is the materials used for recognition. We can provide you with customized copier ready Character Certificate templates, High Five™ Certificate templates, and High Five™ stickers.

Impact on the participants

  • Powerful Self development on a continuous, self managed basis.
  • Personal mastery that allows each person to gauge their own growth and then fast track it using SMART Goals on a weekly basis.
  • Team engagement with peers during the round table process to support, guide and provide a buddy system of like minded, goal oriented individuals.
  • Holistic impact on their relationship building skills, Values based interactions that far surpasses age, religion, gender, language or culture.
  • A common ground where everyone understands without judgement, how to connect with the same commonly understood, interpreted and accepted values sets.
  • Each person feels honoured, valued, respected and seen for who they are, yet are able to change and adjust their behaviour continuously to get better results from their peers, family, social and business interaction.
  • Wholesome, well grounded individuals who integrate much more effectively into an organization, having undergone Values Based Leadership training that enhances their attractive disposition as people of higher Integrity, trust, openness and self awareness.
  • The impact this process has had already on a tremendous range of organisations, institutions and government departments is a testimony to its lasting effectiveness.
  • The foundation of Character is Values and with Values you shape the character of the person which moulds the leader.
  • Once you’ve given a person that kind of foundation, you will be able to build stronger leaders.
  • This process changes cultures within your organisation; It strengthens bonds, builds effective teams, increases attitudes and morale, increases productivity as well as having a positive effect on family life.
  • We believe this process is totally unique and we are convinced we can add value to your team for the long term benefits of the entire organisation.

Supporting tools available

Posters with weekly values are available and can be displayed around any environment

Investment Overview including Support Materials

Certified Values Based Leadership Facilitator Training @ $499 per person

  • Includes PDF Online Book with 6 Values/Companion Guide/Marketing Structure/ Support Materials
  • 6 x 90 minute once a week session over 6 weeks – Online
  • 1 x 3 hour Certification Training –  Online
  • Bi-Weekly 30 minute Facilitator Support Groups Online
Description of Additional Resources – Price  TBA
Posters – A4 or A3
Pareto Principles per book
Additional facilitator Training excludes materials
Posters, Armbands, A4 Posters, Banners, High Five Stickers
Values on Banners – Roll up
1 branded VBL Module per person for Rollout with 10 Values.
Branded Pens
Branded Golf Shirts

Links to Testimonials

This first video is a short overview of the introduction of VBL into Guatemala by 150 members of the John Maxwell Mentorship team.  Guatemala is going through an amazing transformation; The same will happen in South Africa!

The second video is by the CEO of Digital Dish who talks about results from implementing the VBL process in her company.

The third video is a testimonial from a variety of  people from Guatemala only 6 months after VBL was introduced into their Country.

The fourth video is from a U.S. State Penitentionary after VBL was implemented there.

A video about the transformation taking place in the beautiful country of Guatemala….


Chief VISION Officer: Madala & Associates
  • Dilley is an Internationally experienced Business Leader with over 45 years of experience in large Corporates and Government Organisations
  • His entrepreneurial spirit and energy has initiated successful start-up businesses, and select mergers and acquisitions, spanning over 20 years.
  • He has authored, a simple and effective Unique Style and Methodology for Authentic and Ethical Values Based Leadership
  • Personalised Mentoring, Coaching, focusing on Self Evaluation and Development of Individuals, Teams and Organisations to co-create a Values Based Organisational Culture

Madelein Huxtable

Facilitator: Madala & Associates
  • Madelein has several years experience in Human Development Management
  • Key focus in Individual, Team Leadership and Organisational Development
  • She also has several years experience in Managing and Implementation of large projects spanning over 15 years across various industry sectors
  • Madelein believes in personal values as a basis for ethical leadership and business management

Key Clients Served



Celebrating Humanity International (Pty) Ltd

International Diversity & Inclusion Specialists

Ki leadership

Ki Leadership Institute (Pty) Ltd

Exclusive Leadership  EXCO Team-builds/Retreats/Programs

JR Speakers

JR’s Speakers Club (Pty) Ltd

Keynote Speaker & Speaker Trainer

Arthie Moore (Pty) Ltd

Keynote Speaker & Philanthropist


 # Jan Robberts


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